
Showing posts from 2011


Too many thing on my mind...that's just gone into hiding.  Watched the movie Limitedless, interesting and entertaining.  Wish I could get some of those NZT (the upgraded version of course :P).

Rapist's flood hero award revoked

I just saw this news regarding an ex-convict Bob Riddler helped out during the recent QLD flood in cleaning rubbish and other volunteer works.  He was nominated to receive a reward and then the invitation to goto the ceremony/reward was rescinded after his criminal record was made public. It is understandable for the organisation not wanting to reward/be connected with an ex-rapist.  However, if the news of rewarding this guy had already gone out previously and then cancelled, it is also perfectly logical to think that Mr. Riddler will feel he is forever not going to get back to the society.  What will happen next?  Back to the dark side?  I hope not but I fear that is probably going to happen now this news broke out.

APPLE OS X Lion, iCloud and other istuff...

Apple unveiled OSX Lion with new features, and iCloud. The so-called "new" features and functions provided by "Lion" and "iCloud" aren't really that much of new ideas.  Most of those features can in some way be provided by 3rd parties soft-wares.  They do, however, make OSX/iOS becomes very very adhesive. I have used OSX and I owned an iMAC before.  It was very good but I could just switch the platform because most of the soft-wares I use are not platform dependent.  So I could use Linux today, Windows tomorrow or OSX/iOS as long it's about me doing something on the internet (not play special games or trying to use special accounting soft-ware). OSX Lion and improvements just joined those functions/soft wares together, so when I start to use it, I don't have to look somewhere else.  Once I started paying for those service, it would be very hard for me to use other supplier (another reason I haven't really start buying any music/books/movi...

What parents do...

They worried about their children.  With or without foundation. When parents worry things based on something tangible, I suppose one can only just bite the bullet and say nothing and do as they say. What if the things they are worried about is not tangible or you already have plans in mind that would help prevent such bad situation from happening? I suppose being accused of something that I'm not going to do is always a trigger point for get into a fight with my parents...

Death of a terrorist

Osama Bin Laden's Dead! I think that's probably the most talked about news in the world yesterday (or was it the day before?  I have already forgotten the actual date...).  Then the details of how he was taken out was slowly released. It's interesting that he was shot dead while unarmed.  If I were a conspiracist, I would have many many doubts and ideas as to why Osama Bin Laden was shot dead on site.  But I am not and I don't care why he was shot on site while unarmed. I do however wonder which way is better?  Shot him in assassination style or shoot him in execution style (after trial).  When Osama was shot, there was no trail, his say was never publicly shown.  Yes one might argue whatever he said is already out there, but to whom?  I would say only people that's close to the Muslim world would have a chance to know what exactly he said.  It's not that he has a personal website...does he?  The information on the website is mostly thi...

How to Steal Like an Artist

Although I am not an artist in anyway, I think this is quite good.