Death of a terrorist

Osama Bin Laden's Dead!

I think that's probably the most talked about news in the world yesterday (or was it the day before?  I have already forgotten the actual date...).  Then the details of how he was taken out was slowly released.

It's interesting that he was shot dead while unarmed.  If I were a conspiracist, I would have many many doubts and ideas as to why Osama Bin Laden was shot dead on site.  But I am not and I don't care why he was shot on site while unarmed.

I do however wonder which way is better?  Shot him in assassination style or shoot him in execution style (after trial).  When Osama was shot, there was no trail, his say was never publicly shown.  Yes one might argue whatever he said is already out there, but to whom?  I would say only people that's close to the Muslim world would have a chance to know what exactly he said.  It's not that he has a personal website...does he?  The information on the website is mostly third-party-written so it maybe contaminated.  With a trial on, he could say what he really meant to the world, or he could play clown like Saddam Hussein and people can truly see what a real clown he is. 

Osama wasn't given that chance.  He was just shot dead.  So who will tell his story?  Someone else, and it will be biased no matter what.  And will Osama's supporters ever see what kind of clown he will turn into?  Never. 

I suppose it doesn't really matter now but I just thought it's such a pity that Osama wasn't brought before a Court and had his day in Court and then get locked up permanently.  I am not a fan of capital punishment, I prefer to lock up the criminals without any parole and let them see the world changes and they are in no part of it.  And maybe one day they will wake up and understands the horror they had bestow upon those innocent people.  Maybe they won't ever understand, but in that case, that criminal may will just be frustrated eternally that he can never get out, enjoying his freedom.


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