What podcasts do you listen to?  Do you listen to any podcast at all?

I was introduced to the world of podcasts by my dear friend Tim who passed away a few years ago.  So many years had passed and from time to time things would pop up and I would recall it was Tim I did this thing with or how he told me about it...interesting how people affect in ways you don't even know.

I listen to the following podcasts:

  1. ABC All in the minds
  2. ABC Conversations
  3. Criminal
  4. Death, Sex & Money
  5. Dr Karl on triplej
  6. The Economist Radio
  7. Freakonomics Radio
  8. Hidden Brain
  9. How I Built This
  10. The Minimalists Podcast
  11. The Mortified Podcast
  12. Radiolab
  13. Science Vs
  14. Serial
  15. TED Radio Hour
  16. This American Life
  17. The Infinite Monkey Cage
  18. Invisibilia

And there're others I deleted over the years...but as you can see...it is a damn long list of podcasts to listen to.  So I always have heaps of podcast episodes in my podcast player (I'm using Overcast) waiting to be played.  I only have time (or wanting to spend time) listening to podcast while I'm driving to work and back home.  It's a long drive from 45 minutes to 1 hour, so it fits 1 or 2 episodes.

I used to listen to Music Radio Stations to get the stress off or lift the mood.  But I found out music and small talks on the radio stations can be a bit boring even though the hosts trying to make things/topics interesting and while listening to my own music that I like, over time it can became too predictable and boring as well.

It is only through listening to different podcast every time, on various topics - science, talks, life stories that my time in the car commuting isn't as boring as I felt.  The more I listen, sometimes some idea would pop up in my head...so even though I have stopped writing blog for a long while I think maybe it's good for me to put my idea down somewhere, perhaps to help me not getting early dementia problem or something like that.

Compare to Twitter/Facebook/Google+/Plurk with small space to write about what you think, blog would be a better place for a more (trying-to-be) structured writing/long rant or explanation about the ideas that popped up.

Who knows, there's a big, vast void out there on the internet but someone might still find his/her way here...


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