
Showing posts from March, 2017


What podcasts do you listen to?  Do you listen to any podcast at all? I was introduced to the world of podcasts by my dear friend Tim who passed away a few years ago.  So many years had passed and from time to time things would pop up and I would recall it was Tim I did this thing with or how he told me about it...interesting how people affect in ways you don't even know. I listen to the following podcasts: ABC All in the minds ABC Conversations Criminal Death, Sex & Money Dr Karl on triplej The Economist Radio Freakonomics Radio Hidden Brain How I Built This The Minimalists Podcast The Mortified Podcast Radiolab Science Vs Serial TED Radio Hour This American Life The Infinite Monkey Cage Invisibilia And there're others I deleted over the years...but as you can is a damn long list of podcasts to listen to.  So I always have heaps of podcast episodes in my podcast player (I'm using Overcast) waiting to be played.  I only have ti...