Lie To Me

Season 2 Finale was on air last night, watched it.

Lie to Me started well. If I had written this review at the end of Season 1 I would give it at least 3 and 1/2 stars. The show started great. Dr. Cal Lightman the protagonist of the show is a scientist researching (and practising) applied-psychology -interpreting microexpressions, through the Facial Action Coding System, and body language. That is, through series of tests performed by Dr. Lightman, he was able to determine that person is lying or not.

The plot is easy, Dr. Lightman helps the government to catch the bad guy by finding out who lied and who didn't.

Seems fairly standard with those crime TV series. What I found interesting though, was the use of real-life-event/person photographs to explain the micro-expression performed by in-show characters. And Mr. Bill Clinton's photographs showed up quite frequently (laugh). Those photographs always catches my attention and makes the plot a lot more interesting.

Maybe that's also where the trouble is...maybe too many prominent real-world peoples' photographs were used and those peoples' publicist complained (maybe, it's my guess). During Season 2, the use of those photographs decreased drastically. I could only remember once or twice flashing of those photographs and less obvious showing of those micro-expression reading. This reduced the fun and the plot is just going no-where.

Too bad.

So after last night's finale, I've decided not to watch Season 3...


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