
Showing posts from 2010


I was just reading this about Yahoo! and Flickr yesterday.  It got me a little worried...I thought Flickr being one of the top photograph-sharing sites in the world (if not THE top), Yahoo! would give it special attention to make sure it stays on top of games, strategy-wise, resource-wise and news-wise... now it doesn't seemed like that. Today, this news about Yahoo! ditching social bookmark team...I was like...what the f8ck?! I know nothing lasts forever, and if a business unit is under-performing then you need to take a hard-look at it.  Then again if this under-performing business unit is of special meaning like being the top and first of the market in doing things, should you do something about it before closing it down? MySpace is now totally kicked by Facebook, but hey they still tries hard right? I just signed up another new email address at even though was doing real good to me in the past years...Yahoo! got me worried.

Pentax DSLR K-5

Pentax announced new model at the Photokina this year.  It's called K-5 and it looks just like the previous model K-7.  I have K-7 and I think it's a real good camera.  It seems that Pentax had done a few tweaks to the camera and the result is simply amazing.  I'm satisfied with my K-7 but after reading this preliminary review , I'm also tempted to save up money for it...but then again K-7's pretty well built which will probably last many years and I'm sure by the time my K-7 dies Pentax will have something really awesome on offer. Before then, I will just save up money for the new lens :D

Lie To Me

Rating: ★★ Category: Other Season 2 Finale was on air last night, watched it. Lie to Me started well. If I had written this review at the end of Season 1 I would give it at least 3 and 1/2 stars. The show started great. Dr. Cal Lightman the protagonist of the show is a scientist researching (and practising) applied-psychology -interpreting microexpressions, through the Facial Action Coding System, and body language. That is, through series of tests performed by Dr. Lightman, he was able to determine that person is lying or not. The plot is easy, Dr. Lightman helps the government to catch the bad guy by finding out who lied and who didn't. Seems fairly standard with those crime TV series. What I found interesting though, was the use of real-life-event/person photographs to explain the micro-expression performed by in-show characters. And Mr. Bill Clinton's photographs showed up quite frequently (laugh). Those photographs always catches my attention and makes the plot a lo...

Three months

Three months past since my last post.  Thoughts came into my mind and they were gone before I realise I wanted to put that thought in my blog.  Maybe I should be more disciplined... Australian Prime Minister...which was the subject of my last post...we had a federal election between my last and this post.  Although Australian Labor Party won the election with the support of some independent members of parliament, it is expected that in the next 3 years, Ms. Gillard is not going to have it easy in the parliament.  Good luck to her and gosh I hope next time Liberal Party wins.

New Prime Minister

Gosh I'm so lazy and now we even have a new Prime Minister of Australia. I feel sorry for K Rudd being back-stabbed by the power brokers and his party.  Nevertheless I don't think the policy choices made by Labor Party as a whole is of any good anyway... Few more years before next election, let's see what will happen.