Rating: ★★★★★ Category: Movies Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy Latest Star Trek series. After few movies on the the Star Trek: The Next Generation, it's now back to the original, classic version of the Star Trek, without the original cast (except Leonard Nimoy of course). As with the movie itself, I like the fast pace, action packed style with many nicely-done CG scenes. The spaceship battles are done nicely even though I would like to have some more. Although the design of the star ship is old but it's redrew and modernised, making it look a lot nicer. Since I have read the storyline of the Star Trek Countdown (,_Number_One ) before I watched the movie, I felt I could understand the villain captain Nero a bit more. Erica Bana certainly did a good job but I felt he was not mentioned enough to make people who did not know Countdown to fully feel about his action. Certainly this movie is about Kirk and Spock and little bit of th...