Taking photographs of flowers
I started taking photography more seriously after my son was born. It was very very hard to use small digital compact camera to take clear photographs of my son. So I did some research and found DSLR would be a better equipment for me and went and got myself a Pentax K100D.
After a while, we also got a Canon SX100IS. A great little camera. Although it's size is not as "compact" as other digital compacts, both my wife and I found it quite easy to hold and not that big when put into my wife's carry bag.
Obviously Canon DC is no match with Pentax DSLR when one compares the ISO noises. Nevertheless I found myself also enjoying this camera. Sometimes the pictures I think the phtographs took with this DC looks better! (But then again I also did some "adjustments" in GIMP...)
So, apart fromy my son, I started taking a lot of pictures of other things. When we goto restaurants, I take pictures of the delicious dishes we ate. When we go sightseeing, I tried to take the beautiful scenaries we saw. And of course, I take photographs of my wife andson whenever I can.Although those memories are hard to forget, it is best complimented with photographs that captures the moment.
I started to appreciate the environment around me. When I take a walk with my son, I took a camera with me. Sometimes I find something interesting and I would take its photograph. More often than not, it's a flower photograph. I think they are beautiful and sometimes with great smell. Hopefully I can discover more things in life that I can take photographs of, and keep in memory with.
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