
Verily Study Watch

Back in Oct 2016 I listened to Dr. Insel's talk at a seminar jointly hosted by the Blackdog Institute, UNSW and USYD via podcast All in the mind, about 'Humans and Machines: A quest for better mental health', and in it he also talked about the role of the institute he's working at, Verily , which was previously called Google Life Science, focusing on how technology can assist human society in dealing with mental health issues. After listening to the talk I had an idea, based on the talk, I was wondering what could we use with Google's current product lineup in helping society's current health or any other issue.  So I thought about Android Assisted Care, obviously from the idea where Android Wear and other Android Devices could provide a lot of data and assistance needed. At the time I had the idea like this: Country Setting: Japan Target Users: Ageing Population Living alone (Sources: 1 , 2 ) or for people who need to take care of their elderly par...

Back into blogging or writing or whatever this is...

Been trying to get back to blogging or some kind of longer-than-tweet/facebook post writing for a while. After watching movies, tv series, comics and playing PC games such as Star Craft 2, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch as main leisure activities for the past few years I found myself unable to read books or write anything long or think anything ... probably also because I don't have much time left after helping wife taking care of our two sons...but that shouldn't be an excuse to do anything. So when you listened to so many inspiring stories of how people achieve things, passed their obstacles on podcasts, start writing again shouldn't be much of a trouble really. So I HOPE I will start writing more I hope...


What podcasts do you listen to?  Do you listen to any podcast at all? I was introduced to the world of podcasts by my dear friend Tim who passed away a few years ago.  So many years had passed and from time to time things would pop up and I would recall it was Tim I did this thing with or how he told me about it...interesting how people affect in ways you don't even know. I listen to the following podcasts: ABC All in the minds ABC Conversations Criminal Death, Sex & Money Dr Karl on triplej The Economist Radio Freakonomics Radio Hidden Brain How I Built This The Minimalists Podcast The Mortified Podcast Radiolab Science Vs Serial TED Radio Hour This American Life The Infinite Monkey Cage Invisibilia And there're others I deleted over the years...but as you can is a damn long list of podcasts to listen to.  So I always have heaps of podcast episodes in my podcast player (I'm using Overcast) waiting to be played.  I only have ti...

Linux Mint 17

Sort of lost interest in sharing my life in blog.  I put all the stuff on Facebook so people I know in real life get to know what I'm doing at the same time I can block out people that I don't know. But is it really that important to block out those who don't know me?  Not necessarily, really, most of the time people won't be able to see me in real life anyway so whatever I put in blog may or may not be material...and probably just some more digital gibberish on the Internet... Nevertheless, Linux Mint 17 makes me wanting to write a post. It started with MS Windows of course. I have an old desktop.  Started in 2009 with an Core-i3 first generation CPU with no external graphic card, 2GB ram, 1TB hard disk and a nice looking Silverstone GD-02 case, I thought I would just use the computer for watching video clips and viewing family photographs.  Indeed that's all I was doing. Then Star Craft II came out. Although it's playable with older hardware, I w...

It's been a while

It's been a while since I last wrote anything on my Chinese or English...and before you know it, Multiply decided to shut down all of its social network services like blogs and moved into on-line markets.  One of its functions is to export blog to here I am. Lots have happened. Diablo III came out after all those years waiting and disappointed many.  Torchlight II seemed to be the one that continues on the Diablo II tradition, as its developer team was working on Diablo II.  However I think I am going to play StarCraft II a little bit longer... I broke my camera Pentax K-7's LCD screen on the back of the body, it now only shows half of the screen.  Other parts of the camera still work fine, autofocus, viewfinder etc etc...of course with half-black LCD screen I can't do live-view focusing hence no video recording with that camera.  Though I have not been taking as many photographs as before, I have been looking for new cameras. ...


Too many thing on my mind...that's just gone into hiding.  Watched the movie Limitedless, interesting and entertaining.  Wish I could get some of those NZT (the upgraded version of course :P).

Rapist's flood hero award revoked

I just saw this news regarding an ex-convict Bob Riddler helped out during the recent QLD flood in cleaning rubbish and other volunteer works.  He was nominated to receive a reward and then the invitation to goto the ceremony/reward was rescinded after his criminal record was made public. It is understandable for the organisation not wanting to reward/be connected with an ex-rapist.  However, if the news of rewarding this guy had already gone out previously and then cancelled, it is also perfectly logical to think that Mr. Riddler will feel he is forever not going to get back to the society.  What will happen next?  Back to the dark side?  I hope not but I fear that is probably going to happen now this news broke out.