Verily Study Watch
Back in Oct 2016 I listened to Dr. Insel's talk at a seminar jointly hosted by the Blackdog Institute, UNSW and USYD via podcast All in the mind, about 'Humans and Machines: A quest for better mental health', and in it he also talked about the role of the institute he's working at, Verily , which was previously called Google Life Science, focusing on how technology can assist human society in dealing with mental health issues. After listening to the talk I had an idea, based on the talk, I was wondering what could we use with Google's current product lineup in helping society's current health or any other issue. So I thought about Android Assisted Care, obviously from the idea where Android Wear and other Android Devices could provide a lot of data and assistance needed. At the time I had the idea like this: Country Setting: Japan Target Users: Ageing Population Living alone (Sources: 1 , 2 ) or for people who need to take care of their elderly par...