
Showing posts from 2012

It's been a while

It's been a while since I last wrote anything on my Chinese or English...and before you know it, Multiply decided to shut down all of its social network services like blogs and moved into on-line markets.  One of its functions is to export blog to here I am. Lots have happened. Diablo III came out after all those years waiting and disappointed many.  Torchlight II seemed to be the one that continues on the Diablo II tradition, as its developer team was working on Diablo II.  However I think I am going to play StarCraft II a little bit longer... I broke my camera Pentax K-7's LCD screen on the back of the body, it now only shows half of the screen.  Other parts of the camera still work fine, autofocus, viewfinder etc etc...of course with half-black LCD screen I can't do live-view focusing hence no video recording with that camera.  Though I have not been taking as many photographs as before, I have been looking for new cameras. ...