
Showing posts from August, 2009



135 Full Frame DSLR from Pentax

I am currently using Pentax K100D.  I will switch to Pentax K-7 when I have the money saved up. I have always thought Pentax won't put out a 135 Full Frame DSLR when they have released a bunch of new DA lens.  When the news of 645D is in development, this made me feel the days of having a Pentax 135FFDSLR will be even further in the future. Why?  Hoya owns Pentax now.  Hoya doesn't want to lose more money (it already lost some last year as we can see from the financial statements). K-7 being it's top of the line DSLR now is it's first try to get more market share back for Pentax Brand.  Every other camera body can be lower model because they will more or less base on the cost down version of K-7/K20D.  Cheaper to develop and when they get onto the market they can sell cheaper and maintain the market share. 645D on the other hand is a very different story. There is NO other major (Canon,Nikon) Japanese camera manufacturer makes such large format digital ca...

Reduction of Migrants to Australia

Read an interesting news article today about a call by Labor MP Kelvin Thomson that Australia should reduce its intake of migrants so that each migration applicant would be able to go through a much thorough security checks.  According to the article, Mr. Thomson claims that would reduce the chances of letting terrorists successfully coming to Australia. It sounds logical.  Is it going to hold up if we ever going to do what Mr. Thomson says?  I do not know.  However, if my memory serves me right, recently, the terrorists who had been the culprit of London Bomb Attack in 2005 , out of four, three of them were born and raised in the United Kingdom.  Were the security checks done upon their parents/grandparents/ancestors able to find out they were going to bomb London if the checks were 1000 times more thorough?  I doubt it. Link to the reduction of migrant to Australia?  Well I just think Australia has always been a migrant country and should remain t...

Japanese Trial by Jury System

It has been a while since I last write anything long.  I blame this mostly due to Plurk ...a nice little micro-blog site that is addictive.  There you can share your thoughts and find/make friends easily.  Most of the time you don't know who you're chatting and the topics are usually of no major importance/meaning in your life. From time to time there are also useful information or discussion being made.  When you have a good net friend there, it is easy to discuss a topic that you don't get to talk in real life.  Because of this easiness to talk...I write less and less now and I read less books too...don't think this is a good sign but I suppose I will have to find a way to change this soon. Anyway, this topic of Japanese trial-by-jury system came up in the news and I had this discussion with Walkinggeek.  The sentence given by that jury (after one juror quit the case due to health issue and a replacement juror came in) was to have the defendant...